Trxye что это

TRXYE is the third extended play (EP) (first signed with a major label) by South African-Australian singer and songwriter Troye Sivan, released on 15 August New album bloom out august 31 Bloom The New Album. 트로이 시반(Troye Sivan, 1995년 6월 5일~)은 오스트레일리아의 가수, 작곡가, 배우, 유튜버이다. 2014년 10월에 미국 타임지에서. 特洛耶 希文,特洛耶 希凡 梅莱,1995年6月5日出生于南非约翰内斯堡,南非裔澳大利亚歌手。2007年在YouTube个人频道上上传第. 特洛耶 希文(Troye Sivan),1995年6月5日出生于南非约翰内斯堡,南非裔澳大利亚歌手、演员。2007年,特洛耶 希文在YouTube. Boy Erased ou Gar on effac 1 au Qu bec est un film dramatique am ricain crit et r alis par Joel Edgerton, sorti en 2018. Il s’agit de l’adaptation. Troye Sivan Mellet, beter bekend als Troye Sivan (Johannesburg, 5 juni 1995), is een Australisch jeugdacteur, model en singer-songwriter. Hij speelde de jonge James. Spud is a 2010 South African film directed by Donovan Marsh, based on the novel of the same name by John van de Ruit. The film stars Troye Sivan as the title character. Buy Troye Sivan tickets from the official site. Find Troye Sivan tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. From pop's new visionaries to country's gatecrashers — and everything in between — these are the amazing young artists to keep your eye on this year and beyond.